
french people of comorian descent معنى

  • فرنسيون من أصل قمري
  • french    adj. فرنسي; n. الل ...
  • french people    فرنْسِيّ; مُواطِن ...
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • people of comorian descent    أشخاص من أصل قمري
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • comorian    القمرية; جُزُر اَل ...
  • descent    n. هبوط, أصل, سقوط ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. french people of central asian descent معنى
  2. french people of chadian descent معنى
  3. french people of chilean descent معنى
  4. french people of chinese descent معنى
  5. french people of colombian descent معنى
  6. french people of coptic descent معنى
  7. french people of corsican descent معنى
  8. french people of croatian descent معنى
  9. french people of cuban descent معنى
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